When you don't stand for something, you end up following everything. "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, it not puffed up does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked; thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoice in the truth. Love never fails. Faith, hope love these three; but the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13
Friday, 28 December 2012
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
2013 - Your Imagination - Start Creating Your world in LOVE
"My God, I heard this day, that none doth build a stately habitation, but he
that means to dwell therein. What house more stately hath there been, or can
be, than is Man? to whose creation all things are in decay." —George Herbert
Everything that you want now or ever wanted is resided in your imagination - If you can settle anything in your imagination, than it is certainly yours for the taking. That is God's will for human being yesterday, today and forever.
Whatever you create in the mind - becomes your reality. This is the will of God in our lives, this is the will of God for us all. Create a bright, ambitious and cheerful colours for your now and your future. Ask yourself- What would I want 2013 to be like for me? Would you like it bright and beautiful or would you prefer it dull and gloomy life?
It is the Father good pleasure to give You the Kingdom - The world and everything in it is yours but you can only get when you are willing and ready for it.....All of creation eagerly awaits the manifestation of the (children of God) owners of the world to take their possession. You are that owner.
You have the power to make good of every situation. You have the power to turn a cold dull sleepy life to a happy warm and brighter one just like the flower above - you can live an abundance life in any condition. God has given you all the power that you need for life and godliness. Godliness in the ancient books doesn't mean cut yourself off from the world and becoming a fanaticism of religion. Godliness means taken on the form of God and be all that you can be on this earth as it is in heaven. You have the power to create heaven on earth.
Imagine - The world as a blank canvas and you've been given the brush and paints to draw/paint a picture. What picture would you paint? 2013 and the years after are all blank canvas, and you have the brush and the paints to create a wonderful picture. A picture that the whole world is waiting to see. Your picture can exalt some, build up others, inspired majority and move some to a greater high. You are powerful beyond any human imagination.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it. John:1 1-15The above vase from the bible tells us that the words have the power to became solid forms. The word become flesh. Some may ask, how can word become flesh. Well every word that you speak or intend to speak can either work for you or against you. You have the power to create and it start from your imagination to your words.
Every great person that has ever lived or is living now has in many many ways made great use of their imagination. Imagination create reality. From Abraham to Paul, presidents and footballer, arthritics and business people are all making effective use of their imagination. Example - Moses did not only used his imagination to bring things into being from his eternal mind to physical but he only uses it to set a nation free from mental slavery. He was great at visualization and he sure uses it effectively.
You and I are all God having a worldly experience. We are Spiritual Beings living on earth therefore nothing on earth is above us. We have the power to make or break. Everything is choice and I have the choice of creating all that we want for our lives in 2013 and beyond what about You?
Imaginal acts on the human level need a certain interval of time to develop but imaginal acts, whether committed to print or locked in the bosom of a hermit, will realize themselves in time. Test yourself, if only out of curiosity. You will discover the "Prophet" is your own imagining and you will know "there is no fiction." By Naville Goddard
A Song
Sweet dreams, form a shade
O'er my lovely infant's head!
Sweet dreams of pleasant streams
By happy, silent, moony beams!
Sweet Sleep, with soft down
Weave thy brows an infant crown
Sweet Sleep, angel mild,
Hover o'er my happy child!
Sweet smiles, in the night
Hover over my delight!
Sweet smiles, mother's smile,
All the livelong night beguile.
Sweet moans, dovelike sighs,
Chase not slumber from thine eyes!
Sweet moan, sweeter smile,
All the dovelike moans beguile.
Sleep, sleep, happy child!
All creation slept and smiled.
Sleep, sleep, happy sleep,
While o'er thee doth mother weep.
Sweet babe, in thy face
Holy image I can trace;
Sweet babe, once like thee
Thy Maker lay, and wept for me:
Wept for me, for thee, for all,
When He was an infant small.
Thou His image ever see,
Heavenly face that smiles on thee!
Smiles on thee, on me, on all,
Who became an infant small;
Infant smiles are his own smiles;
Heaven and earth to peace beguiles.
O'er my lovely infant's head!
Sweet dreams of pleasant streams
By happy, silent, moony beams!
Sweet Sleep, with soft down
Weave thy brows an infant crown
Sweet Sleep, angel mild,
Hover o'er my happy child!
Sweet smiles, in the night
Hover over my delight!
Sweet smiles, mother's smile,
All the livelong night beguile.
Sweet moans, dovelike sighs,
Chase not slumber from thine eyes!
Sweet moan, sweeter smile,
All the dovelike moans beguile.
Sleep, sleep, happy child!
All creation slept and smiled.
Sleep, sleep, happy sleep,
While o'er thee doth mother weep.
Sweet babe, in thy face
Holy image I can trace;
Sweet babe, once like thee
Thy Maker lay, and wept for me:
Wept for me, for thee, for all,
When He was an infant small.
Thou His image ever see,
Heavenly face that smiles on thee!
Smiles on thee, on me, on all,
Who became an infant small;
Infant smiles are his own smiles;
Heaven and earth to peace beguiles.
William Blake
There is nothing outside of ourselves everything is in the Inner Man
Whatever we choose to create, we have eternal union with God and Christ. Christ in You the hope of glory. In this union, we share all of God's creation together. We have higher position and all privilege on this earth just like Jesus and we have been given the authority to share all of the wealth. We are the Soul owners of this earth. We are spiritually blessed now and forever more. The blessing of God the make rich and add no sorry. Therefore all things that we have in God and share in God is for good.
In this case, no one have the right to settle for less. Use your imagination and visualize that wonderful and glorious world that we have in God. See yourself in the greatest of position that has ever being - take your authority in that position, see all the family and friends that would come to wish you well. Imagine how that position make you feel and rejoice in your achievement Stay in that position until you see it take it entire physical form - This is God's will for your life.
Nothing is Impossible to you - What is you mind like for 2013?
I have visualized 2013 - the greatest year of my life.
I Am getting marry to a wonderful caring man in 2013.
I Am moving to a 10 bedrooms home, each room self contain with 4 reception rooms, a study, a games room, swimming pool, 6 ache land and garden, room overseeing the sea. I want to live under the same roof with my daughter and her family, all my nephew having their own rooms. an annex with 3 extra bedrooms. Family and friends would visit and sure to have their own room. A very beautiful home in a quiet and elegant location in a peace village not too far from London. In 2013, money would be working for me - I am no longer going to work for money. I am going to be travelling the world to see the beautiful creative of life forces. I will give to the poor and look after families abroad
2013 is the most successful year ever in my life and that is just the beginning. I Am all that I Am! I am the power of God to liberty
The word Hegeomai - means to used of any kind of leader, chief, commander the leader in speech, chief, spokesman to consider, deem, account, think. This word was used extensively to describe the power of God in Jesus. It means to guide your imagination. It means to visualize a thing by using your entire mental faculties
Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: Philippians 2: 4-7
There is nothing that you cannot do with your mind neither is there anything beyond your reach.
Whatever you want that is for the good of yourself and those around you - Is the will of God for your life.
Whatever you wish for in LOVE - Is the wist of God in You.
You are meant to have life and have it more abundantly. Abundant life is a life full of all the goodness in life.......In abundant life you don't work for money, money work for you. You don't get sick, good health is yours. You are never poor for all riches are your. Let the poor say I am rich. Let the sick say I am heal.
Take the yoke of Christ for it is easy and burden are light. God has reassured us over and over that His will for us are good and to have the best in this life. Don't spend your time hoping that good life is only for when you die and go to heaven. Don't full yourself that you have to be a good person or a perfect person to enjoy the God's goodness. No, all you need to be is to take the mind of God. In fact all you really need to live an abundant life is LOVE. For God is LOVE and LOVE is God. Your only choice is to live the life of LOVE.
There is nothing impossible in LOVE.
Make your peace with God today. God is not is any distant place, He is right in you. You are One with God. You and the Father are One. Making peace with God means that you search for God that is inside on you. You are all God. God is always waiting for you to return back home to Him. Find yourself in God - that is all He want.
Stop looking on the outside to get the answers to live- everything that is needed for life and living is resided in you. Your Inner Man is the Queen/King to your Being. Trust him/her, pay attention to the Inner Man and make the world your footstool.
There were many different gods and their idols whom people thought would satisfy various needs, some people would be misused and be used by others in the name of God. Some people travel the world looking for a God outside of themselves. But the Most Gracious, Most Merciful God did not want people to be ignorant of who they are and whom that are. You are God all of you sons of the Most High God. He gradually revealed more and more about Himself and His relationship to man are you ready to take it
.“I said, ‘You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High.’ But you will die like mere mortals; you will fall like every other ruler.” Rise up, O God, judge the earth, for all the nations are your inheritance. Psalm82: 6-8
Imagination would take where your knowledge would not take you.
“Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.” ― Albert Einstein
“Everything you can imagine is real.”
― Pablo Picasso
“Imgination rules the world”
― Napoleon Bonaparte
“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere.”
― Carl Sagan
"I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the Heart's affections and the truth of the Imagination.”
― John Keats
“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
― Albert Einstein
“Imagination is intelligence with an erection.”
― Victor Hugo
Hear, O people The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. There is only God on earth. The Lord God is One - If you are looking for anything outside of yourself you are a full looking for nothingness. Everything for your life in Inside of You. God is One and God resides in You. That "little still voice" that encourage you, motivate, inspired build you up. Just be still and listen to his direction. He is right there with you and he wants to give you hope for 2013. You deserve a magnificent life from 2013 onwards. If you are now living a magnificent life it would get extremely magnificent - admired by even your enemies. It is getting better and best. Wealthy and wealth, healthier and healthier, richer and richer. Everything you ever wanted in love and for the glorification of the God in You - is waiting for you in 1st January 2013.
You need not do anything to get it just transform your mind.
Right now in December 2012, the Light has began to enter into lives of people including you and I. Don't let it pass by. Are you willing to take? See it coming through and by 1st January 2013, it would begin to flourish. 2013 is the beginning of rest. We are going to rest. Rest from all your labours and struggles. God want us to enter into this peaceful place. We are entering into a land full of milk and honey. There is light all around. 2013 is victorious, graceful and joyful.................I am entering into my rest, I am entering abundance, I am entering wealth, I am entering joy, I am peace, I am in travelling the world full of all thing for life and godliness. God want you to know this. 2013 is limitless and it is the beginning of great things. The window of heave has been opened and you must come and take yours - health, gold, diamond, platinum sliver, wealth, peace, happiness, love, peace, joy, success, creativity, marriage, husbands, children, abundance, plentiful.
Imagine- Whatever you Imagine you become.
You are pure Light - Shining bright in every way and in every place.
The door is wide open - Enter into your rest
In the Father's house there are many mansion if it where not so I would not tell you. I have found eternal rest - Come and find yours. Amen
Visualize - Imagination Create Reality.
The world is Ours for the taking
Imagine- Whatever you Imagine you become.
See Life in all things.
He has made all things new for You and I.
All things has been put under your foot...You are above always.You are pure Light - Shining bright in every way and in every place.
The door is wide open - Enter into your rest
In the Father's house there are many mansion if it where not so I would not tell you. I have found eternal rest - Come and find yours. Amen
Visualize - Imagination Create Reality.
The world is Ours for the taking
Saturday, 15 December 2012
Friday, 2 November 2012
Transform Your Mind
Transform your Mind
“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.
God in you desire so greatly for us to enjoy his Kingdom.
We are not separated from God - You are God and there is no other but God. Take on you God mind and enjoy living life to the fullest. You must be living Heaven on earth here and now. You are the apple of God's eye!
Rearrange Your Mind and enter into your Worthy Place - You've lived outside for very long time - All awaits your Return so as you read through this blog - Transform your Mind into that of God and posses your Rightful Place in the Kingdom of God - For you are God all of us children of the Most High. You are reading this blog because something inside has prompted you to, you are seeking the truth, you are tired of living a mediocre life. You are reading this blog because you know that you where created for Greatness. Come to you worthy place, there are many rooms - Yours await you Now.
Life and death are in the power of your tongue - Therefore whatever you speak of or about you are giving life to. For example, when you Wake Up in the morning and say 'Oh what a wonderful day' you'll surely have a wonderful day because by speaking and calling the day Wonderful - You Automatically transform the day to Wonderful. The power of the spoken Words means that you have created a day that you desire thus nothing on earth would change the day otherwise...........
“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.
God in you desire so greatly for us to enjoy his Kingdom.
We are not separated from God - You are God and there is no other but God. Take on you God mind and enjoy living life to the fullest. You must be living Heaven on earth here and now. You are the apple of God's eye!
Rearrange Your Mind and enter into your Worthy Place - You've lived outside for very long time - All awaits your Return so as you read through this blog - Transform your Mind into that of God and posses your Rightful Place in the Kingdom of God - For you are God all of us children of the Most High. You are reading this blog because something inside has prompted you to, you are seeking the truth, you are tired of living a mediocre life. You are reading this blog because you know that you where created for Greatness. Come to you worthy place, there are many rooms - Yours await you Now.
Life and death are in the power of your tongue - Therefore whatever you speak of or about you are giving life to. For example, when you Wake Up in the morning and say 'Oh what a wonderful day' you'll surely have a wonderful day because by speaking and calling the day Wonderful - You Automatically transform the day to Wonderful. The power of the spoken Words means that you have created a day that you desire thus nothing on earth would change the day otherwise...........
Everything that we need for life and Godliness (Spiritual things) has been given to us. Whatever you are reading in this blog is not new to you or anyone on earth but it has been EDGED OUT of our consciousnesses because of traditions and religion. Traditions and Religion are all limitations to our Godhead on earth. We do not need either.
I dare you to see the world through the eye of God who you are. Don't you know that you are God? All of you children of the Most High God. How are you feeling now knowing that you are God? Do you feel threaten or frighten? Perhaps this sound as blasphemous to you or threaten your beliefs systems or even your religion - well, you are not the first. His response is intriguing: “Jesus
answered them, ‘Is it not written in your
law [in Psalm 82:6], “I said, ‘You are
gods’”? If He [God] called them gods,
to whom the word of God came (and the
Scripture cannot be broken), do you say
of Him whom the Father sanctified and
sent into the world, “You are blaspheming,” because I said, “I am the Son of
God”?’” (John 10:34-36).
In other words, said Christ, “if Scripture outright called human beings gods,
why are you upset when I merely state
that I am God’s Son?”
Yet are human beings actually gods?
What did He mean?
In Psalm 82:6, from which Jesus
quoted, God says to human beings: “I
said, ‘You are gods, and all of you are
children of the Most High.’” The Hebrew
word translated “gods” is elohim, which
literally means “gods” or “mighty
ones”—although it is often rendered as
“God” (that is, the true God) in the Bible.
That’s because, although plural in form,
the word elohim is often singular in
Tom Robinson
You have dwell in God before the beginning of the earth until now and for everlasting.
'For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are God's offspring.' Acts 17-28
Adonai, you have been our dwelling place in every generation.
2 Before the mountains were born,before you had formed the earth and the world,from eternity past to eternity future you are God.Psalm 90: 1-2 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
Adonai (Hebrew meaning "lord, ruler") is a name bestowed upon God in the Old Testament.
Some books would say God, Adonai, Jehovah, Allah,etc. God you have been our dwelling place..........Therefore if God is your dwelling place as the scriptures and ancient books have all stated, why are we afraid of calling ourselves God?
You are powerful beyond measure and above mare understanding. You have been given all the tools needed for living life in abundance and whatever you desire is at your command.
You have the power to create and the power to destroy. Remember whatever you desire would be giving to you.
You are LIFE Carrier or Life Force
Open up to the universe allow your transformation, see yourself as God's own valuable dwelling place. You are not your body, you are Spirit Being created for phenomenon experience of earth. You are here to enjoy life at its fullest but you can only achieve all by the Transformation of your mind.
You are whatever you say you are. Your words are the powerhouse of wealth or poverty.
The choice is yours.
When we understand this truth - As there is only One truth on earth and that is "You are God.""
This is not religion nor is it tradition - This is the truth of human beings. For this reason all the great prophets and Jesus came. Religion is not of God. Jesus Christ came to guide mankind to their true self, to bring us back to the home where we ought to be.
How can you go back to where you belong, to your true self, to the spirit who you are. Remember you are Spirit having a worldly experience.
You start by Transforming your Mind.
Today you start changing of your Mind and if holding fast to your confession daily - You will begin to see your life in its magnificence. Think about it as having a glass filled of dark chocolate, put the glass under the running tap water and leave it under the tap for a while - You will notice that all the chocolate has vanish and all that remain would be water - Transparent glass filled of clear water.
How do I filled my mind with Newness?
You start be changing your words ans you change your word your mind begin to be transform.
Adopt the I Am phenomenon
I am whatever I say I am.
I am wonderful and fearfully create
I am beautiful
I am creative
I am significant
I am blessed
I am honest
I am bright future
I am desirable
I am divine
I am confident
I am talented
I am diligent
I am happy
I am marriage
I am good wife
I am good mother
I am good friend
I am Light
I am smart
I am gorgeous
I am elegant
I am rich
I am wealthy
I am generous
I am kind
I am graceful
You can go on and on but you need to stick to I Am. I Am is the Spirit that is in you and you do not need background, qualification or anything as stated by man for your guarantee Heavenly living. Try it today and start seeing Your true self unfolding.
Enjoy your New You!!!!
Hemachandra: What are you most excited about today? What gives you hope?
Dyer: What I’m most excited about is that there’s an openness to this shift, and I do think that there’s a shift happening.
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Come Home to Yourself - I AM All Things.............
Enter into an ancient knowledge kept away from you and the generation before you to this day - You are God.
I Am making it known to you now that - You are God.
Come to your True self,
Come to who you are,
You are more than what you were told
You are above not below
You are in his image and likeness
I see you I see the Father
You are One with God
You are God!!
Lord, you have been our dwelling place
throughout all generations.
2 Before the mountains were born
or you brought forth the whole world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God. Psalms 90:1-2
I dare you to see yourself as "I Am that I am" written in the above Psalms
You have been in God before you were born.
Before Adam and Eve - I Am
Jesus said, before Abraham, I Am. Why? You may ask, How? I would say, Because it is written of me ( in the bible) and in Psalms 90 and in all of the ancient books before my birth - Now I am manifested.
He was before the world was created and he understood this and for this reason he was awaken to this earth, so that We come back to who We are - God
You were were born to be fruitful, have dominion and to fill the earth with whatever you will. Take a journey into eternity and see all of its glory just for you. I Am. Use your imagination or your mind eyes and travel to world wherever you want to be in eternity that is where you will be.
Your are the creative force of Life. And God said, let there be light and there was light and God saw it was good. What are you saying and bring forth today? You are God!
You are the Life within the Life. You are a Spirit having a worldly experiences. However, your worldly experiences are not meant to be bad, sad, regretful, bitterness, gossip, enviousness, hatred, spitefulness, unforgiveness, bad relationships or any form of negativity. All you need to do is - Go back to the place where you belong - In the dwelling place of God where you belong.
In the presence of God there is fullness of joy. That is your home that is where you are to be. I Am God - I Am joy
I Am the resurrection and the life -
But the people who know their God, or the people who know that they are I Am who I Am will do exploit.
The word Son does not exempted You from His Being. You and God have been dwelling together before the world was formed or even before the mountains were brought forth......................You are the I Am that I Am.
"Let Us make man in our image and Likeness"
Down down, you bring me down
I hear you knocking at my door and I can't sleep at night
Your face, it has no place
No room for you inside my house I need to be alone
Don't waste your words I don't need anything from you
I don't care where you've been or what you plan to do
Turn turn, I wish you'd learn
There's a time and place for everything I've got to get it through
Cut loose, you're no use
I couldn't stand another second in your company
Don't waste your words I don't need anything from you
I don't care where you've been or what you plan to do
Stone me, why can't you see
You're a no-one nowhere washed up baby who'd look better dead
Your tongue is far too long
I don't like the way it sucks and slurps upon my every word
Don't waste your words I don't need anything from you
I don't care where you've been or what you plan to do
I am the resurrection and I am the light
I couldn't ever bring myself to hate you as I'd like
I am the resurrection and I am the light
I couldn't ever bring myself to hate you as I'd like
This has been kept secret to you but now enter into His rest.
I became a servant ( a person in the service of another)of the Good News because God gave me this work to do for your benefit. The work is to make fully known the message from God, 26 the secret hidden for generations, for ages, but now made clear to the people he has set apart for himself. To them God wanted to make known how great among the Gentiles is the glorious richness of this secret. And the secret is this: the Messiah is united with you people! In that rests your hope of glory! 28 We, for our part, proclaim him; we warn, confront and teach everyone in all wisdom; so that we may present everyone as having reached the goal, united with the Messiah. 29 It is for this that I toil, striving with all the energy that he stirs up in me so mightily. Colossians 1:26-29 Complete Jewish Bible
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I Am making it known to you now that - You are God.
Come to your True self,
Come to who you are,
You are more than what you were told
You are above not below
You are in his image and likeness
I see you I see the Father
You are One with God
You are God!!
Lord, you have been our dwelling place
throughout all generations.
2 Before the mountains were born
or you brought forth the whole world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God. Psalms 90:1-2
I dare you to see yourself as "I Am that I am" written in the above Psalms
You have been in God before you were born.
Before Adam and Eve - I Am
Jesus said, before Abraham, I Am. Why? You may ask, How? I would say, Because it is written of me ( in the bible) and in Psalms 90 and in all of the ancient books before my birth - Now I am manifested.
He was before the world was created and he understood this and for this reason he was awaken to this earth, so that We come back to who We are - God
You were were born to be fruitful, have dominion and to fill the earth with whatever you will. Take a journey into eternity and see all of its glory just for you. I Am. Use your imagination or your mind eyes and travel to world wherever you want to be in eternity that is where you will be.
Your are the creative force of Life. And God said, let there be light and there was light and God saw it was good. What are you saying and bring forth today? You are God!
You are the Life within the Life. You are a Spirit having a worldly experiences. However, your worldly experiences are not meant to be bad, sad, regretful, bitterness, gossip, enviousness, hatred, spitefulness, unforgiveness, bad relationships or any form of negativity. All you need to do is - Go back to the place where you belong - In the dwelling place of God where you belong.
In the presence of God there is fullness of joy. That is your home that is where you are to be. I Am God - I Am joy
I Am the resurrection and the life -
Have you ever wonder who you are? Be Still now. - Let these words flow in your Being. I am the resurrection and the life! See Below............Reflect!
You are ever thing stated in this picture and more..........
Whatever You open, no one can close and whatever You close, no one can open. You are I Am that I Am.
You are wealth of knowledge .....Say.............I Am wealth of knowledge
You are Light........................I Am Light
You are money......................I Am money
You are perfect health............I Am perfect health
You are wisdom.....................I Am all wisdom
You are understanding ...........I Am all understanding
You can discern .....................I Am discerning all things to Life and godliness.
You are riches........................I Am riches
You are wealth.......................I Am wealth
You are riches........................I Am riches
You are wealth.......................I Am wealth
You are unlimited...................I Am unlimited
You are impossible ................I Am possibilities
God's divine power has given us everything we need for life and for godliness. This power was given to us through knowledge of the One who called us by his own glory and integrity. 2 Peter 1:3
Whatever you call yourself in I Am, You are........and the words that goes out of your month shall not return empty.
As The One who has given all things which are of the divine power, with The Life and Awesomeness of God by his teaching, who has called us into his glory and majesty and the hope of life. Aramaic Bible in Plain English
You have been called back to your original self , the I Am, Oneness with God and With God nothing is impossible
Have You ever being in a pleasurable place and feel that you are in heaven?
Have you ever say to someone, I Am in heaven right now? Or have you used the word heaven as a expression of joy, happiness, peace etc. Take yourself back to that place and in your heart replay the feelings........How does it feel right now?
Well- I Am telling you right now, you were born to always be in Heaven. Your earthly experience was for this one reason alone - To bring Heaven on earth. To always experience the Heavenly experience and this has nothing to do with religion because for this purpose you were created to bring His Will on earth as it is in Heaven. You and the Father are One -So, His Will is Your Will as there can only be One will.
The kingdom of heaven is at hand. It is not in the skies or in some place by and by. It is right here, right now. If you are willing to enter into it, its all yours. God the Father is waiting to join with you in Oneness.
The kingdom of heaven is at hand. It is not in the skies or in some place by and by. It is right here, right now. If you are willing to enter into it, its all yours. God the Father is waiting to join with you in Oneness.
Do you travel the world looking for God? What were you told as a child? What has religion told you or taught you to believe? Is is that, God would appear when we die and judge us for our sins or that God is a supreme being that seat on his throne and all he does is judging mans? If that is what you know, you are not alone for that was my beliefs and understanding too until I repented.
I am inviting your to the Good News and this is the good news that all the prophet and holy men have taught us but the flesh is always afraid to take it into heart. Afraid of their very Being.
If this is your faith - Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand. God is Love - and Love does not condemn nor judge anyone..........LOVE IS LOVE. I Am LOVE. GOD IS LOVE. I AM GOD. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. 1 John 4:18 God is LOVE
When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained; (created)
What is man that You take thought of him,
And the son of man that You care for him?
Yet You have made him a little lower than God,
And You crown him with glory and majesty!
You make him to rule over the works of Your hands;
You have put all things under his feet,
All sheep and oxen,
And also the beasts of the field,
The birds of the heavens and the fish of the sea,
Whatever passes through the paths of the seas.
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained; (created)
What is man that You take thought of him,
And the son of man that You care for him?
Yet You have made him a little lower than God,
And You crown him with glory and majesty!
You make him to rule over the works of Your hands;
You have put all things under his feet,
All sheep and oxen,
And also the beasts of the field,
The birds of the heavens and the fish of the sea,
Whatever passes through the paths of the seas.
Are you afraid to call yourself God? - The bible called you God time and time again. To avoid confusion, the bible was not put together for any specific religion. After all, the bible is not a religious book. The bible was put together so that You and I would come to understand Our place as Heavenly Beings.
Human understanding has always refused to believe their God self, the I Am that I Am, because they enjoy suffering and those "so called men of god" like to feed their Egos with your suffering and your ego also like it in darkness because it grave attention in your lack of knowledge. My people are dying because they lack knowledge of who they are.
Human understanding has always refused to believe their God self, the I Am that I Am, because they enjoy suffering and those "so called men of god" like to feed their Egos with your suffering and your ego also like it in darkness because it grave attention in your lack of knowledge. My people are dying because they lack knowledge of who they are.
But the people who know their God, or the people who know that they are I Am who I Am will do exploit.
The Ego (Edge God Out) strives on suffering. The ego feeds on the ignorance of human. So since the day of your physical birth/born, ego has worked through your parents and many of those you have come across to separate your Being from the Human. Your Being is the great I Am .........In I Am, you are not held captive. You are free and can do all things at all time.
You are Omnipresence and Omniscience
You are Omnipresence and Omniscience
This is your opportunity to enter into the rest of God who You are.
Jesus answered them, “Has it not been written in your Law, ‘I said, you are gods’? If he called them Gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken), do you say of Him, whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’? John 10: 35-36
You and God are One - Believe it, there is nothing blasphemous about it.
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus,
who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God,
but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.Philippians2:6-7
“The God Who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth. He does not live in buildings made by hands. No one needs to care for Him as if He needed anything. He is the One who gives life and breath and everything to everyone. He made from one blood all nations who live on the earth. He set the times and places where they should live.
“They were to look for God. Then they might feel after Him and find Him because He is not far from each one of us. It is in Him that we live and move and keep on living. Some of your own men have written, ‘We are God’s children.’ If we are God’s children, we should not think of Him as being like gold or silver or stone. Such gods made of gold or silver or stone are planned by men and are made by them. Act 17:24-29
I and my Father, We are One. John 10: 30
God is not the God of the dead - If that is your beliefs, Repent right now and transform your mind. God is the God of the Living. Therefore it is yours to enter into the Heavens now and be with God. In God there is everlasting Life. Eternal Life!! I am with You always through the end of time. What happens after the end of time? You enter into eternity and carry one living. It is impossible for I Am to die.
Don't live your life a dead man on earth and a dead in the grave not being able to enter eternity. Enter into eternity today and live forever more. In God there is fullness of life and it is Yours for the taking-Now For the Kingdom of Heaven is Within You!
Don't live your life a dead man on earth and a dead in the grave not being able to enter eternity. Enter into eternity today and live forever more. In God there is fullness of life and it is Yours for the taking-Now For the Kingdom of Heaven is Within You!
Resurrection - The state of one who has returned to life.
Life - a. The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within the organism.
The word Son does not exempted You from His Being. You and God have been dwelling together before the world was formed or even before the mountains were brought forth......................You are the I Am that I Am.
"Let Us make man in our image and Likeness"
He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, because he
considers all people to be alive to him. Luke 20:38
Set yourself free today - The power is yours and no one else. You are the I Am that I Am
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.
In Him was life, and that life was the Light of men.
And the Light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not.John1:1-5
In God all things are possible.........All things.
This is what all ancient books and Beings have taught Us and continue to teach Us. But the ego man don't want you to hear this and those that attempted to preach or tell us this Truth have been ostracized and condemned by the Ego man.
This is what all ancient books and Beings have taught Us and continue to teach Us. But the ego man don't want you to hear this and those that attempted to preach or tell us this Truth have been ostracized and condemned by the Ego man.
Since you started talking in this life, you have always called yourself by your divine self - I Am.
I Am Sarah or Paul, Jack or Jill etc
Take off the name/s given you by the world i.e. your parents, loved ones guardians or carers and all your would be left with is - I Am.
This is not religion as some made it to be - It is a universal name. I Am - This will be my name in all creation God told Us.
You were created to to rule, be strong, have authority over all.
Thus,I Am the ruler of the world and the glory I would not give to another.
What is your choice? Life or Death? Remember You are whatever you call yourself.
I am wealth
I am joyful
I am happy
I am prosperous
I am money
I am health.....................etc
What is your choice? Life or Death? Remember You are whatever you call yourself.
I am wealth
I am joyful
I am happy
I am prosperous
I am money
I am health.....................etc
“I am the Lord; that is my name!
I will not yield my glory to another
or my praise to idols. Isaiah 42:8
I will not yield my glory to another
or my praise to idols. Isaiah 42:8
This is what the group Stone Roses wrote about the Ego -Read it and Awake to I Am
Stone Roses I Am The Resurrection Lyrics
Down down, you bring me down
I hear you knocking at my door and I can't sleep at night
Your face, it has no place
No room for you inside my house I need to be alone
Don't waste your words I don't need anything from you
I don't care where you've been or what you plan to do
Turn turn, I wish you'd learn
There's a time and place for everything I've got to get it through
Cut loose, you're no use
I couldn't stand another second in your company
Don't waste your words I don't need anything from you
I don't care where you've been or what you plan to do
Stone me, why can't you see
You're a no-one nowhere washed up baby who'd look better dead
Your tongue is far too long
I don't like the way it sucks and slurps upon my every word
Don't waste your words I don't need anything from you
I don't care where you've been or what you plan to do
I am the resurrection and I am the light
I couldn't ever bring myself to hate you as I'd like
I am the resurrection and I am the light
I couldn't ever bring myself to hate you as I'd like
This has been kept secret to you but now enter into His rest.
This message was kept secret for centuries and generations past, but now it has been revealed to God’s people. For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too.
And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory.
And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory.
So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect[g] in their relationship to Christ. That’s why I work and struggle so hard, depending on Christ’s mighty power that works within me.
Colossians 1:27-29 New Living Translation (NLT)
the mystery which [has been] hidden from ages and from generations, but has now been made manifest to his saints; to whom God would make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the nations, which is Christ in you the hope of glory:Darby Translation (DARBY)
Who is Christ? - You are!
For the whole creation hopes for and expects the
revelation of the sons of God. Romans 8:19
The world or creation is waiting for You to come back to
the Truth of who you are - I Am that I Am
Wake up from your slumber and take your stand - Now
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