Transform your Mind
“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.
God in you desire so greatly for us to enjoy his Kingdom.
We are not separated from God - You are God and there is no other but God. Take on you God mind and enjoy living life to the fullest. You must be living Heaven on earth here and now. You are the apple of God's eye!
Rearrange Your Mind and enter into your Worthy Place - You've lived outside for very long time - All awaits your Return so as you read through this blog - Transform your Mind into that of God and posses your Rightful Place in the Kingdom of God - For you are God all of us children of the Most High. You are reading this blog because something inside has prompted you to, you are seeking the truth, you are tired of living a mediocre life. You are reading this blog because you know that you where created for Greatness. Come to you worthy place, there are many rooms - Yours await you Now.
Life and death are in the power of your tongue - Therefore whatever you speak of or about you are giving life to. For example, when you Wake Up in the morning and say 'Oh what a wonderful day' you'll surely have a wonderful day because by speaking and calling the day Wonderful - You Automatically transform the day to Wonderful. The power of the spoken Words means that you have created a day that you desire thus nothing on earth would change the day otherwise...........
“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.
God in you desire so greatly for us to enjoy his Kingdom.
We are not separated from God - You are God and there is no other but God. Take on you God mind and enjoy living life to the fullest. You must be living Heaven on earth here and now. You are the apple of God's eye!
Rearrange Your Mind and enter into your Worthy Place - You've lived outside for very long time - All awaits your Return so as you read through this blog - Transform your Mind into that of God and posses your Rightful Place in the Kingdom of God - For you are God all of us children of the Most High. You are reading this blog because something inside has prompted you to, you are seeking the truth, you are tired of living a mediocre life. You are reading this blog because you know that you where created for Greatness. Come to you worthy place, there are many rooms - Yours await you Now.
Life and death are in the power of your tongue - Therefore whatever you speak of or about you are giving life to. For example, when you Wake Up in the morning and say 'Oh what a wonderful day' you'll surely have a wonderful day because by speaking and calling the day Wonderful - You Automatically transform the day to Wonderful. The power of the spoken Words means that you have created a day that you desire thus nothing on earth would change the day otherwise...........
Everything that we need for life and Godliness (Spiritual things) has been given to us. Whatever you are reading in this blog is not new to you or anyone on earth but it has been EDGED OUT of our consciousnesses because of traditions and religion. Traditions and Religion are all limitations to our Godhead on earth. We do not need either.
I dare you to see the world through the eye of God who you are. Don't you know that you are God? All of you children of the Most High God. How are you feeling now knowing that you are God? Do you feel threaten or frighten? Perhaps this sound as blasphemous to you or threaten your beliefs systems or even your religion - well, you are not the first. His response is intriguing: “Jesus
answered them, ‘Is it not written in your
law [in Psalm 82:6], “I said, ‘You are
gods’”? If He [God] called them gods,
to whom the word of God came (and the
Scripture cannot be broken), do you say
of Him whom the Father sanctified and
sent into the world, “You are blaspheming,” because I said, “I am the Son of
God”?’” (John 10:34-36).
In other words, said Christ, “if Scripture outright called human beings gods,
why are you upset when I merely state
that I am God’s Son?”
Yet are human beings actually gods?
What did He mean?
In Psalm 82:6, from which Jesus
quoted, God says to human beings: “I
said, ‘You are gods, and all of you are
children of the Most High.’” The Hebrew
word translated “gods” is elohim, which
literally means “gods” or “mighty
ones”—although it is often rendered as
“God” (that is, the true God) in the Bible.
That’s because, although plural in form,
the word elohim is often singular in
Tom Robinson
You have dwell in God before the beginning of the earth until now and for everlasting.
'For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are God's offspring.' Acts 17-28
Adonai, you have been our dwelling place in every generation.
2 Before the mountains were born,before you had formed the earth and the world,from eternity past to eternity future you are God.Psalm 90: 1-2 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
Adonai (Hebrew meaning "lord, ruler") is a name bestowed upon God in the Old Testament.
Some books would say God, Adonai, Jehovah, Allah,etc. God you have been our dwelling place..........Therefore if God is your dwelling place as the scriptures and ancient books have all stated, why are we afraid of calling ourselves God?
You are powerful beyond measure and above mare understanding. You have been given all the tools needed for living life in abundance and whatever you desire is at your command.
You have the power to create and the power to destroy. Remember whatever you desire would be giving to you.
You are LIFE Carrier or Life Force
Open up to the universe allow your transformation, see yourself as God's own valuable dwelling place. You are not your body, you are Spirit Being created for phenomenon experience of earth. You are here to enjoy life at its fullest but you can only achieve all by the Transformation of your mind.
You are whatever you say you are. Your words are the powerhouse of wealth or poverty.
The choice is yours.
When we understand this truth - As there is only One truth on earth and that is "You are God.""
This is not religion nor is it tradition - This is the truth of human beings. For this reason all the great prophets and Jesus came. Religion is not of God. Jesus Christ came to guide mankind to their true self, to bring us back to the home where we ought to be.
How can you go back to where you belong, to your true self, to the spirit who you are. Remember you are Spirit having a worldly experience.
You start by Transforming your Mind.
Today you start changing of your Mind and if holding fast to your confession daily - You will begin to see your life in its magnificence. Think about it as having a glass filled of dark chocolate, put the glass under the running tap water and leave it under the tap for a while - You will notice that all the chocolate has vanish and all that remain would be water - Transparent glass filled of clear water.
How do I filled my mind with Newness?
You start be changing your words ans you change your word your mind begin to be transform.
Adopt the I Am phenomenon
I am whatever I say I am.
I am wonderful and fearfully create
I am beautiful
I am creative
I am significant
I am blessed
I am honest
I am bright future
I am desirable
I am divine
I am confident
I am talented
I am diligent
I am happy
I am marriage
I am good wife
I am good mother
I am good friend
I am Light
I am smart
I am gorgeous
I am elegant
I am rich
I am wealthy
I am generous
I am kind
I am graceful
You can go on and on but you need to stick to I Am. I Am is the Spirit that is in you and you do not need background, qualification or anything as stated by man for your guarantee Heavenly living. Try it today and start seeing Your true self unfolding.
Enjoy your New You!!!!
Hemachandra: What are you most excited about today? What gives you hope?
Dyer: What I’m most excited about is that there’s an openness to this shift, and I do think that there’s a shift happening.