Thursday, 19 November 2009

Life is Life: Today another Day

    Today is just another day. I woke up in the morning looking at a bright and beautiful day - It is very challanging to be your own motivator, one day you are up the other day you are down. You are constantly fighting yourself to be alive staying on the track and being as part of the whole wide world. Some people have their parents, others their friends some people have the sibling others their husbands or wives, some their children. Just stop and think for a moment about those of us that do it all by our selves - with no helping hand. We are our own inspiration, we are our own motivators our own chancellors - all of us living in one world but different challenges. Some wake up in the morning and go and some stay at home thinking of how they will get a joy - all living in the same world. Joblessness, Joblessness, it is called recession but the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting worst, dangerously worst. Your journey may have started from school, spending years and years from primary, secondary, college and university, your may have fought all the odds to get some form of education so that you can get a better place in the society. Try all your best, if you are like me a single parent sacrifice all your have, even the "special quality time" you should have had with your children all because you want the grades, you have finished all of these and now you are ready to start this planned life you aimed at thinking that you can do because you have made the sacrifice but there is something called nepotism, "who know you or who do you know?" If you have the right contact, know the right people in the right place your name will be mentioned for that one job advertised to million of people but one person will be the final 'one.' If you don't have those contact, too bad, take your degree to the shops maybe you could be a BA Hons shop assistant. What has the world come to? Oh, did it ever change? Has it been like this since man came to being? So many qualify people with no jobs. Sir, Bareness, Den. lord you need to know one to get somewhere or boy just try acquaint yourself with the COEs, GM. MD and their mistress, you may just get somewhere, a PA, PR, Spin or span or perhaps you should take a tripe to the Dragon Den.........

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